Current status of a series of violations at Kim Chung workers' housing area

Tùng Giang |

The Hanoi City Inspectorate concluded that Hanoi Housing Management and Development Company Limited was irresponsible and lax in managing public assets in workers' housing areas.

Khu nha o cong nhan xa Kim Chung (huyen Dong Anh, Ha Noi) co 28 don nguyen, gom: 24 don nguyen nha 5 tang va 4 don nguyen nha 15 tang, la nha o xa hoi duoc dau tu bang nguon von ngan sach nha nuoc, thuoc so huu nha nuoc.
The Kim Chung workers' housing area (Dong Anh district, Hanoi) has 28 units, including: 24 5-storey houses and 4 15-storey houses, which are social housing invested with state budget capital and owned by the state.
Thanh pho Ha Noi giao cho Cong ty TNHH mot thanh vien Quan ly va phat trien nha Ha Noi tiep nhan tu nam 2007 de quan ly, khai thac, van hanh khu nha. Trong do, tong dien tich tang 1 duoc giao quan ly va cho thue la hon 16.000 m2.
Hanoi City assigned Hanoi Housing Management and Development Company Limited to receive it since 2007 to manage, exploit and operate the housing area. Of which, the total area of the first floor assigned for management and lease is more than 16,000 m2.
Theo ket luan cua Thanh tra Ha Noi, doanh nghiep nay da tu y ky hop dong cho cac to chuc, ca nhan thue hon 10.000m2 dien tich tang 1 ma khong bao cao UBND thanh pho phuong an quan ly, bo tri su dung, tu y chuyen doi cong nang sang dien tich kinh doanh dich vu de cho thue.
According to the conclusion of the Hanoi Inspectorate, this enterprise arbitrarily signed contracts for organizations and individuals to lease more than 10,000m2 of the first floor without reporting to the City People's Committee on the management and use plan, and arbitrarily converted the function to a service business area for lease.
Co don vi su dung sai muc dich, tu y xay dung, no tien thue dien tich kinh doanh dich vu; co kha nang gay that thu ngan sach nha nuoc voi so tien tam tinh tren 25 ti dong, co dau hieu vi pham mot so dieu cua luat hinh su.
Some units use the service business area for the wrong purpose, arbitrarily build, and owe rent; are likely to cause loss of state budget revenue with an estimated amount of over 25 billion VND, showing signs of violating a number of articles of criminal law.
Cong ty TNHH MTV Quan ly va Phat trien nha Ha Noi cung tu chuyen doi cong nang theo thiet ke la nha de xe, phong ky thuat dien, nuoc, sanh chinh de cho cac to chuc, ca nhan thue 56 diem kinh doanh dich vu. Khi bi phat hien, nhieu chu kinh doanh phai ban giao lai mat bang.
Hanoi Housing Management and Development Company Limited also transformed its designed function into a parking lot, electrical and water technical room, main hall for organizations and individuals to rent 56 service business locations. When discovered, many business owners had to hand over the premises.
Hien nay, khu nha o cong nhan ton tai nhieu ki-ot bo hoang, xung quanh co dai moc um tum, nhech nhac.
Currently, the workers' housing area has many abandoned kiosks, surrounded by overgrown, shabby weeds.
Rac thai bua vay xung quanh cac khu nha cong nhan.
Garbage surrounded the workers' housing areas.
Da so dien tich tang 1 cua cac day nha deu dang duoc cho thue lam nha hang kinh doanh, cua hang sua xe.
Most of the first floor of the buildings is being rented out as restaurants and car repair shops.
Truoc loat sai pham, thang 8.2024, Thanh tra thanh pho Ha Noi da chuyen ho so vu viec tren den Co quan An ninh dieu tra, Cong an thanh pho de xu ly theo quy dinh.
In response to a series of violations, in August 2024, the Hanoi City Inspectorate transferred the above case file to the Investigation Security Agency, City Police for handling according to regulations.
Thanh tra thanh pho Ha Noi cung kien nghi UBND thanh pho giao So Xay dung, So Tai chinh, UBND huyen Dong Anh va Cong ty TNHH mot thanh vien Quan ly va phat trien nha Ha Noi thuc hien mot so bien phap xu ly hanh chinh; kiem diem trach nhiem, co hinh thuc xu ly ky luat doi voi tap the, ca nhan co lien quan.
The Hanoi City Inspectorate also recommended that the City People's Committee assign the Department of Construction, the Department of Finance, the People's Committee of Dong Anh District and Hanoi Housing Management and Development Company Limited to take a number of administrative measures; review responsibilities, and take disciplinary action against related groups and individuals.

Previously, in early October 2023, Lao Dong Newspaper published a series of articles reflecting on the phenomenon of blatant price drop in worker housing rental in Kim Chung worker housing area.

In particular, it clearly states the phenomenon of officers of the Social Housing Management and Development Enterprise, under Hanoi Housing Management and Development Company Limited, requiring workers to pay a "man-in-the-hand" amount of 7 to more than 10 million VND to have their worker housing rental documents in Kim Chung approved.

In addition to the phenomenon of "hand-to-hand" prices for workers who have just approved their rental documents, there are a series of major problems in this workers' housing area such as: Enterprises are given the opportunity to circumvent the law, take over workers' houses for profit, the first floor of the buildings for rent for the wrong purpose for many years, many households have complained that they have to spend hundreds of millions of VND to get a rental rate...

Regarding the above series of violations, on October 6, 2023, informing Lao Dong newspaper, Hanoi Housing Management and Development Company Limited said that it had temporarily suspended 2 officials of the Social Housing Development and Management Enterprise from receiving "hand-to-hand" money for renting workers' housing.

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Thang máy nhà ở công nhân Kim Chung liên tục hỏng

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