With this regimen, you can notice within a few days that your skin becomes brighter, your bowel movements become regular, and the entire digestive process works more efficiently. Your concentration and mental clarity improve, and your energy levels increase.
The 21-day body cleansing program helps you get healthy and lose weight effectively through healthy food choices.
Foods you can eat on a 3-week detox diet include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli, artichokes, garlic, onions, beets, cauliflower, and leafy greens.
Brown rice and other grains such as quinoa, buckwheat, millet. Lentils, nuts and nut butters for protein. Extra virgin olive oil, decaffeinated herbal and green teas, filtered water, lemon juice, rice milk and 100% natural fruit and vegetable juices.
Foods not allowed include processed sugars such as fructose syrup and all artificial sweeteners. Eggs, butter, yogurt and other dairy products. All grains containing gluten such as wheat, barley...
No yeast, alcohol, preservatives, food additives, coffee, chocolate or fatty foods allowed.
Once the cleanse is over, you can introduce the banned foods in moderation into your regular diet.
In the morning, you should have a piece of fresh fruit, followed by a bowl of cooked whole grains. Lunch and dinner include one or two medium-sized bowls of steamed vegetables.
For hydration, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, drink a glass of fresh vegetable juice with a small amount of sea salt or seaweed for flavor. For dinner, drink herbal teas.