To maintain health, experts recommend that an adult should take 2,500 - 2,700 steps per day. To effectively prevent cardiovascular disease, the number of steps should be up to about 7,000. However, if you want to lose weight, the recommendation is from 10,000 - 12,000 steps.
12,000 steps equals how many kilometers?
According to estimates, 12,000 steps is equivalent to about 9.5km. Shorter people can cover less distance, while taller people can cover more. In case you move quickly like jogging, you can cover more distance and fewer steps than expected.
How many calories to cut?
According to estimates, the amount of calories burned will vary from person to person, depending on factors such as weight, nutrition, etc. But in general, walking 12,000 steps can burn about 400 to 600 calories.

According to research, to lose 1kg of weight, you need to lose 7700 calories. Thus, if a person weighs 57kg and walks 12,000 steps a day, they will lose about 1kg after 19 days without having to diet.
However, this is just a theoretical calculation, weight loss depends on a number of other factors such as good sleep quality, no stress, healthy diet,...
Make the most of your steps every day

Maintaining a regular walking habit can improve your mood, sleep, immune system, etc. If you are trying to increase your daily steps, you can refer to the following tips:
- Walk back and forth in the bathroom while brushing your teeth.
- Walk around the kitchen while cooking.
- Park at the end of the parking lot.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible.
- Walk around while on the phone.
- Walk on the treadmill.
- Try interval walking: Walk at a faster pace for 30 seconds, then walk at a normal pace for 30 seconds and repeat.