Gentle physical activity after meals
Taking light physical activities after meals can help reduce blood sugar levels and limit visceral fat accumulation. According to the World Health Organization, light walking after meals can help reduce blood sugar levels and aid digestion. This activity not only helps burn calories but also improves insulin sensitivity, an important factor in reducing visceral fat.
Avoid lying or sitting on your stomach after eating
Lying or sitting on your stomach after eating can lead to visceral fat accumulation. According to the Mayo Clinic, staying active after meals helps the body use energy more efficiently and prevents excess fat accumulation. Instead of sitting or lying down, engage in gentle activities such as cleaning the house or taking a short walk.
Choose foods rich in fiber and protein
Diet directly affects the accumulation of visceral fat. According to a study published in PubMed, consuming foods rich in fiber and protein can help reduce visceral fat. Fiber helps improve digestion and create a feeling of fullness for a long time, while protein helps build muscle and increase metabolism.
Limit consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates
Sugar and refined carbohydrates can contribute to visceral fat accumulation, consuming too much sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and visceral fat accumulation. Therefore, you should limit the consumption of foods such as candy, soft drinks and white blood cells.
Maintain moderate eating habits and control portion sizes
Eating too much at a meal can lead to visceral fat accumulation. Controlling portion sizes and maintaining moderate eating habits can help prevent weight gain and visceral fat accumulation. Divide your meals and eat slowly to give your body time to feel full.
Reduce stress and ensure quality sleep
Stress and lack of sleep can affect the accumulation of visceral fat. According to the Mayo Clinic, stress and lack of sleep can lead to hormonal changes, contributing to visceral fat accumulation. Therefore, practicing stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga and ensuring quality sleep is necessary.