Mr. Hoang Van Minh (name changed) is working in a commune in Khanh Hoa province. Mr. Minh said that currently, in his locality, there is a group practicing the Mother Goddess worship that has been recognized by the Khanh Hoa Province Association for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Spiritual Tourism.
However, this delegation requested permission to conduct religious activities at home (the family of the Head of this delegation built a shrine at home).
According to Mr. Minh's research, in 2023, the Ministry of Home Affairs sent a document to the National Assembly Delegation of Lao Cai province, replying that home shrines are not religious establishments.
Therefore, Mr. Minh wishes to access this document to work with the Association for Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Spiritual Tourism of Khanh Hoa province.
Regarding Mr. Minh's reflection and recommendation, the Ministry of Home Affairs has responded on the Electronic Information Portal.
The Law on Belief and Religion stipulates that a religious establishment is a place where the community's religious activities are carried out and is the common property of the community. Therefore, private establishments are not recognized as religious establishments.
Religious activities at private facilities are only for private use; people using private facilities for religious activities in large numbers is not in accordance with the law. Local authorities are requested to propagate and mobilize people to comply with the law on beliefs and religions.
In case people have a need to practice religion, local authorities will mobilize people to practice religion at community religious establishments in the area or donate private establishments to the community to organize religious activities according to the provisions of law.
"For more details, citizens are requested to contact the local state management agency on beliefs and religions for specific instructions" - the Ministry of Home Affairs suggested.