List of prisoners to be pardoned to be submitted to the President


The amnesty advisory council will compile and submit to the President a list of prisoners eligible for amnesty for consideration and decision.

On the afternoon of September 18, the 2024 Amnesty Advisory Council met to review the list of proposals for the President to grant amnesty to prisoners who meet the conditions for amnesty on the occasion of the 79th National Day and the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital.

At the meeting, Politburo member, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh, Chairman of the 2024 Amnesty Advisory Council, emphasized that humanity and clemency towards criminals are good traditions of our nation.

Our country's law shows strictness towards criminals, and resolutely punishes masterminds, ringleaders, stubborn opponents, and dangerous recidivists.

At the same time, always be lenient and forgiving towards criminals who sincerely atone for their crimes, repent, and create all favorable conditions for them to correct their mistakes, become honest people, and be useful to society.

Phien hop cua Hoi dong tu van dac xa nam 2024. Anh: Nguyen Hoang
Meeting of the Amnesty Advisory Council in 2024. Photo: Nguyen Hoang

Implementing the above policies and guidelines, after the National Assembly promulgated the Amnesty Law, from 2009 to present, our State has carried out 9 amnesty periods for more than 92,000 people.

Although the number of people granted amnesty is large, political security, order and social safety are still guaranteed, and no complications arise due to the amnesty.

Most of the amnestied people have returned to their places of residence, stabilized their lives and worked honestly, the rate of amnestied people re-offending is relatively low. The amnesty work has ensured political, legal, professional and foreign affairs requirements, and has been supported by the people at home and highly appreciated by international public opinion.

According to Permanent Deputy Prime Minister, the Amnesty Advisory Council has issued specific instructions. Although the time is very short, the relevant ministries, branches, members of the Amnesty Advisory Council, especially the Ministry of Public Security - the standing agency and the Supreme People's Court have urgently directed and actively implemented, ensuring that the amnesty work is carried out closely and strictly according to the provisions of law, on schedule.

Permanent Deputy Prime Minister requested that the relevant agencies focus on inspecting, reviewing, and evaluating publicly and transparently; carefully and cautiously considering each specific case, closely following the conditions and standards prescribed by the Amnesty Law and the President's decision.

Reporting at the meeting, Brigadier General Tran Van Thien - Director of the Police Department for Management of Prisons, Compulsory Education Facilities, and Reformatory Schools (Ministry of Public Security) - affirmed that the consideration of special pardon requests for eligible people is conducted according to a very strict, public, democratic, objective, fair, transparent process, with the right subjects and conditions according to regulations.

Amnesty proposals are examined and assessed at many levels with the participation of many agencies, departments and functional sectors, and especially the supervision of social organizations and people.

After today's meeting, the Amnesty Advisory Council will compile and submit to the President a list of prisoners eligible for amnesty for consideration and decision.


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The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense directly direct the consideration of amnesty proposals.


The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense are directly responsible for directing the consideration of amnesty proposals for prisoners serving their sentences.

Conditions for prisoners to be granted amnesty on National Day 2024


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Subjects and conditions for special amnesty consideration in 2024


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