Miserable life next to a rotten river and dusty road in the center of Hanoi


The delay in implementing the project to collect domestic wastewater on the Lu River (Hanoi) has caused local people to live with water and air pollution.


2/4 main bid packages to revive "dead rivers" in Hanoi are still stuck


Currently, the progress of 2/4 main packages of the Yen Xa wastewater treatment system project to revive polluted rivers in Hanoi is still facing some difficulties, affecting the entire project.

Appointment of Director of the National Aviation Security Center


The Ministry of Public Security announced the Decision to establish and launch the National Aviation Security Center; Decision to appoint Colonel Pham Hoang Diep as Director of the Center.

After more than 10 years, the billion-dollar road in Hanoi has only reached 40% progress


Hanoi - After more than 10 years of construction, the Dam Hong - National Highway 1 Ring Road 2.5 project is still unfinished, affecting people's travel and daily life.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor deploys key tasks of propaganda and women's work


On the afternoon of February 28, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor held a conference to deploy tasks of propaganda work and women's union work in 2025.

The Ministry of Finance has 9 Deputy Ministers and 35 units after the merger


According to Decree No. 29/2025/ND-CP, the Ministry of Finance has 35 units and 9 Deputy Ministers after merging with the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

Close-up of cracks and subsidence at the site of the metro tunnel excavation incident


Cracks and subsidence appeared at many locations in Lane 7 Giang Van Minh (Hanoi) after the Nhon - Hanoi Railway Station metro tunnel excavation incident.

28 leaders of Long An Police retire early


Long An - 28 leaders at the department and district levels of Long An Provincial Police have asked for early retirement.

Chairman Nguyen Van Duoc: 2025 has special significance for Ho Chi Minh City


Ho Chi Minh City focuses on developing infrastructure, removing investment bottlenecks, creating momentum for businesses to expand production, aiming for growth of over 10%.

"Ổ rác" giữa khu đô thị gây ô nhiễm môi trường

Minh Hạnh |

Hà Nội - Một khu đất dự án tại phường Trung Hòa trở thành bãi rác khổng lồ, gây ô nhiễm môi trường và mất mỹ quan đô thị.

2/4 main bid packages to revive "dead rivers" in Hanoi are still stuck


Currently, the progress of 2/4 main packages of the Yen Xa wastewater treatment system project to revive polluted rivers in Hanoi is still facing some difficulties, affecting the entire project.

Dự án hơn 600 tỉ đồng để cứu sông Lừ chậm tiến độ, người dân khốn khổ

Nhóm Phóng viên |

UBND thành phố Hà Nội vừa trả lời cử tri về nguyên nhân dự án hệ thống cống bao cho sông Lừ (thuộc dự án hệ thống xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt Yên Xá) hơn 600 tỉ chậm tiến độ. Thế nhưng, dự án này vẫn chưa rõ bao giờ được triển khai và người dân vẫn phải chịu cảnh ô nhiễm.