District Health Center slow to collect billions due to incorrect revenue and expenditure


Dak Lak - Cu M'gar District Medical Center has collected and spent more than 1.6 billion VND in incorrect allowances. However, many months have passed and this unit has yet to correct the problem.

Slow collection of allowances due to incorrect collection and payment

Recently, the Dak Lak Department of Health established an inspection team, discovered and requested the Cu M'gar District Health Center to completely handle the collection and payment of incorrect job allowances for staff under the unit's management.

On October 4, 2024, speaking with Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Le Van Duyen - Deputy Director in charge of the Cu M'gar District Health Center said: "The Center is in the process of collecting the amount of money that has been collected and spent incorrectly on preferential allowances for employees managed by the unit. It is expected to be completed by November and reported to the Department of Health."

Previously, on July 12, 2023, Cu M'gar District Health Center organized an extraordinary 2023 staff conference.

Participants in the conference include: Board of Directors, Party Executive Committee, Union Executive Committee, Youth Union, People's Inspectorate, all officials and employees of the Medical Center (except for the professional on-duty team), Head/Deputy Head of the Medical Station, Head of the Medical Station's trade union group.

This conference approved the content on support for officials and civil servants participating in epidemic prevention but not enjoying job incentives according to Decree (No. 05/2023/ND-CP) of the Government.

It is worth mentioning that the funding source for those who are not eligible will be taken from 10% of the amount of money that officials and civil servants receive preferential allowances according to Decree No. 05.

The allocation of support money will be carried out as follows: Board of Directors (receiving 90% preferential allowance), other officers and employees will receive equal support.

Regarding this incident, the officials and employees of the departments/offices and the Health Station, after receiving the preferential allowances according to Decree No. 05, returned them to the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of the Cu M'gar District Health Center. The total amount of money that the officials and employees returned was more than 1.6 billion VND.

On December 29, 2023, the grassroots Trade Union and the Cu M'gar District Health Center issued an official dispatch on support for officials who are not eligible for preferential treatment under Decree No. 05.

From the collected amount, the unit has spent more than 1.5 billion VND to support civil servants and employees who are not entitled to preferential allowances according to Decree No. 05.

76 subjects who are not entitled to preferential allowances according to Decree No. 05/2022 were paid more than 719 million VND; 66 subjects who are not entitled to preferential allowances according to Decree No. 05/2023 were paid more than 803 million VND...

According to Mr. Le Van Duyen, allocating 10% of the amount of money that officials and civil servants receive as preferential allowances (according to Decree No. 05) for those who are not eligible for the allowance is based on the spirit of "helping each other".

Meanwhile, an officer of the Cu M'Gar District Health Center said: "Many people in the unit are dissatisfied and resentful about the deduction of 10% of the preferential allowance. Because they are the ones directly preventing the epidemic, often facing danger and high risk of infection, so it is worthy to receive it. Therefore, they have no reason to deduct it for those who do not regularly go out directly to prevent the epidemic."

Slow to fix as directed by superiors

On January 31, 2024, Dak Lak Department of Health sent a document to its affiliated units regarding the rectification of ensuring correct and full payment of State policies and regimes for cadres, civil servants and employees in accordance with regulations.

The document clearly states that any unit that allows incorrect or insufficient spending, or allocates funds without a clear legal basis for paying State policies to cadres, civil servants, employees and workers, the head of that unit must be responsible before the law and the Department of Health.

Also according to the Dak Lak Department of Health, relevant units will coordinate, conduct verification, and detect and clarify if there are signs of violations in paying preferential policies of the State to officials, civil servants and employees not in accordance with regulations.

Then, report to the Director of Department of Health for timely prevention and handling measures.

Although it has grasped the direction of the Department of Health, many months have passed and the Cu M'Gar District Medical Center has not yet resolved the issue.


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