How to eat grapes without affecting blood sugar

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Nutrisense & Pubmed) |

Grapes are a fruit with a medium glycemic index , so diabetics can eat them but must eat them properly.

Blood sugar levels will change if grapes are not eaten properly.

Grapes are a fruit that contains many compounds that help prevent certain cardiovascular diseases thanks to high antioxidants such as ellagic acid, quercetin, resveratrol or lutein.

Resveratrol (a plant-based active ingredient that acts as an antioxidant) found in grapes helps increase insulin sensitivity , thereby helping to reduce the development of diabetes.

For people with diabetes , the amount of grapes consumed must be within the allowable range, otherwise it will affect the blood sugar level in the body. Because a medium-sized grape contains 0.22g of glucose. If you consume about 100g of grapes, the equivalent amount of sugar is 3.7g - 7.3g. Therefore, eating a lot of grapes will affect the blood sugar level of people with diabetes.

The best time to eat grapes for blood sugar and does not affect diabetes

First of all, you need to choose grapes with low glycemic index and carbs. With about 100g of grapes, red grapes have a glycemic index of 45 and carbs of 18g. These indexes for green grapes are 45 and 12g, for black grapes are 59 and 18.7.

You can eat up to 10 grapes a day, but you should not eat them continuously for many days. If you eat like that, you need to adjust the amount of carbohydrates in other foods in your meals to ensure the amount of carbs you take in.

The most suitable time to eat grapes is in the morning, on an empty stomach. At this time, the active ingredients in grapes will be absorbed by the body to the maximum. In addition, you can also eat grapes about 1-2 hours after the main meal to ensure that blood sugar levels do not change too much.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Nutrisense & Pubmed)

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Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Indiaexpress & Pubmed) |

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