Prioritize protein
When you are trying to lose weight, eating protein-rich foods is key because it helps you feel full longer. At the same time, eating protein can help you eat less at the end of the day. Menopausal women who eat a lot of protein will have less body fat than those who eat less protein.
Lean, protein-rich foods include all kinds of seafood, meat, poultry and eggs. Plant-based proteins such as nuts, soy products, peas, lentils, etc.
Reduce carbs intake
Based on hormonal changes in your 40s as you enter premenopause, adopting a low-carb diet can help prevent weight gain, making it easier to lose visceral fat.
Your sex hormone works with insulin to control blood sugar. When your sex hormone is imbalanced, you are at increased risk of insulin resistance, which can make premenopausal symptoms worse. Decreased estrogen levels are also associated with insulin resistance.
This is the reason why postmenopausal people often gain fat, especially in the abdomen, and also have a harder time losing weight.
We should cut down on carbohydrates to help fight insulin resistance.
Control stress
In your 40s, a large amount of work can increase your stress. However, if you can control your stress level, it can help you control your weight and make weight loss easier.
When you are stressed, cortisol levels will increase and that can increase blood sugar levels as well as promote fat gain, especially around the waist.
Managing stress can make it easier to eat healthier. We are more likely to overeat and choose less healthy foods when we are stressed.