Violations of public duties by officials and civil servants are somewhat more serious


According to the Law Committee, although the data is not enough, it shows that the situation of violations in the performance of official duties by officials and civil servants is somewhat more serious.

On September 26, continuing the 37th session, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the Government's report on citizen reception, handling of administrative complaints and denunciations in 2024.

According to the Government's report, from October 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024, 255,988 people came to state administrative agencies to make complaints, denunciations, recommendations, and reflections, with a total of 280,510 people received about 206,382 cases, including 2,024 large groups.

Of which, the Government Inspectorate received 3,741 visits, with 8,626 people coming to present 3,106 cases, including 245 large delegations.

The report stated that despite high determination and many efforts, the work of reviewing and perfecting laws in management areas is still slow.

In the work of receiving citizens, although there have been improvements compared to before, the direct reception of citizens by heads of administrative agencies at all levels has not ensured the number of days as prescribed.

In the work of handling complaints and denunciations, the rate of handling complaints and denunciations under the authority (81.4%) is lower than the same period last year (83%).

Presenting the preliminary review report, Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee Hoang Thanh Tung said that direct reception of citizens by heads of state administrative agencies is best implemented at the commune-level People's Committee chairperson level (direct reception of 92%, authorization of reception of 8%).

The lowest implementation is by Ministers and Heads of ministerial-level agencies (directly receiving 59%, delegated receiving 41%).

The Standing Committee of the Inspection Agency stated that the data in the Government's report showed that heads of state administrative agencies at all levels have not yet fully performed their responsibility to directly receive citizens as prescribed by the Law on Citizen Reception.

Regarding the results of receiving and handling complaints and denunciations, the inspection report of the Legal Committee shows that the number of petitions eligible for processing in 2024 in Ministries and branches is 52.1%, in the Government Inspectorate is 34.4%, and in 45/63 localities is 85.1%.

The Government is requested to clarify the reasons why the number of unqualified applications for processing at central ministries and branches, especially at the Government Inspectorate, is much higher than at local levels, in order to have appropriate solutions for handling and overcoming the situation.

Theo Uy ban Phap luat, mac du so lieu chua du nhung cho thay tinh hinh sai pham trong thuc thi cong vu cua can bo, cong chuc co phan nang ne hon. Anh:
According to the Law Committee, although the data is not enough, it shows that the situation of violations in the performance of official duties by officials and civil servants is somewhat more serious. Photo:

Regarding the results of handling denunciations, in 2024, state administrative agencies resolved 84.6% of denunciations under their authority, approaching the target of "achieving a rate of over 85%" set by the Government in the 2023 reporting period.

Besides, although the data is not enough, the initial synthesis results show that the number of denunciations with correct content reached 37.4%, a sharp increase compared to 2023 (23.2%).

This shows that the situation of violations in the performance of public duties by officials and civil servants has not been remedied, and is somewhat more serious.

The report also clearly states the results of inspection, review and settlement of outstanding, complicated and prolonged complaints and denunciations.

Accordingly, the review shows that the contents on this issue in this year's Report are basically the same as those stated in the 2023 Report and do not clearly show the changes in the situation in 2024.

Request the Government to report and clarify the current situation of complaints and denunciations that are pending, complicated, and prolonged.


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Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


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