A district in Cao Bang has 5 undisbursed projects

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - After nearly 10 months of 2024, Nguyen Binh district still has 5 large projects that cannot be disbursed.

According to data announced by the Department of Planning and Investment of Cao Bang province at the regular September meeting of the People's Committee of Cao Bang province, by the end of September 2024, the whole province had disbursed 2,306,787/5,944,721 million VND of public investment capital, reaching 38.8% of the plan.

Among the agencies, districts and cities allocated capital, Nguyen Binh district is in the group with the lowest disbursement rate (28.9%). Notably, although 3 quarters of 2024 have passed, this locality has up to 5 projects that have not disbursed any money, including: Ca Thanh Primary School (capital plan of 11 billion), Phia Den market bypass road, Pu Vai hamlet to Thanh Cong commune center (15.9 billion), Infrastructure project to raw material area (3.5 billion), Road and bridge to the medicinal material processing and processing factory in Tan Thinh hamlet, Vu Minh commune (3.5 billion), Construction of medicinal material processing and processing factory in Tan Thinh hamlet, Vu Minh commune (2 billion).

In the report presented by the representative of the Department of Planning and Investment (DPI) of Cao Bang province at the regular September meeting of the People's Committee of Cao Bang province, the above 5 projects have not been disbursed as expected due to 3 groups of reasons.

First, the site clearance work was slow due to problems with two houses, the need to relocate the power line system, and liquidation of assets on the land (Ca Thanh Primary School project).

Although this difficulty appeared in June 2024, by the end of September, the Compensation and Site Clearance Council of Nguyen Binh district had not been able to completely resolve it to have a construction site.

Nhieu du an lam duong giao thong tai Nguyen Binh bi cham tre. Anh: Tan Van.
Many road construction projects in Nguyen Binh are delayed. Photo: Tan Van.

For the Phia Den Market Bypass project, due to forest problems, we have to wait for the time to prepare the application for changing the purpose of forest use and at the same time complete the environmental impact assessment dossier.

With 3 projects related to raw materials and medicinal herbs, all belong to the National Target Program on socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas (2021-2030).

When implementing the 3 projects, the locality encountered difficulties in determining which investment capital to use and when to use public capital. Regulations and instructions on the unit responsible for land recovery were also unclear, and there was no management of assets created after investment...

On October 24, speaking with reporters, Mr. Dao Nguyen Phong - Chairman of the People's Committee of Nguyen Binh district - said: "Recently, a decision has been made on the infrastructure project in the raw material area with difficulties in the chain owner, but at the Phia Den bypass project, there are problems with the forest."

According to the Chairman of the People's Committee of Nguyen Binh district, some problems with the mechanism also make the disbursement progress ineffective.

In the remaining months of the year, to improve the disbursement efficiency for the above projects, the Department of Planning and Investment of Cao Bang province is requesting the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Cao Bang province to promptly appraise and approve the conversion of forest use purposes and environmental impact assessment that the locality has submitted.

On the other hand, Cao Bang Provincial People's Committee has also issued a document (1412/UBND-KT) to central ministries and branches to soon issue documents to guide localities.

Tân Văn

Điều kiện để chuyển đổi đất rừng đặc dụng ở Cao Bằng

Tân Văn |

UBND tỉnh Cao Bằng vừa ban hành quyết định về tiêu chí và điều kiện để chuyển đổi mục đích với một số loại đất trên địa bàn.

Giải ngân hơn 1.000 tỉ/tháng, Cao Bằng mới xong kế hoạch đầu tư công

Tân Văn |

Tính đến tháng 10.2024, tỉ lệ giải ngân vốn đầu tư công tỉnh Cao Bằng chỉ đạt 38,8%.

Kỷ luật 218 đảng viên tại Cao Bằng

Lam Duy |

Qua kiểm tra, giám sát đã xem xét thi hành kỷ luật khiển trách 1 tổ chức đảng và 218 đảng viên tại Cao Bằng bằng nhiều hình thức.

Điểm mới trong quy định về phân phối kinh phí công đoàn 2%

Nhóm phóng viên |

Dự thảo Luật Công đoàn (sửa đổi) không quy định việc phân phối kinh phí công đoàn khi có nhiều tổ chức đại diện của người lao động.

Ông Trump lội ngược dòng, vượt lên dẫn trước bà Harris

Khánh Minh |

Ông Donald Trump vượt lên dẫn trước sít sao bà Kamala Harris trong những tuần cuối của cuộc tranh cử tổng thống Mỹ 2024.

Đường 6 làn giải cứu kẹt xe Thủ Đức “đứng hình” suốt 4 năm


TPHCM - Tuyến đường 6 làn xe thuộc Vành đai 2 qua TP Thủ Đức “đứng hình” hơn 4 năm, dù dự án được gia hạn đến năm 2026 hoàn thành nhưng vẫn chưa tái khởi động.

Đầu độc bạn trai bằng xyanua rồi lao xe xuống đèo Bảo Lộc


Lâm Đồng – Sau khi đầu độc nạn nhân bằng chất xyanua, Trang chở ông V xuống đèo Bảo Lộc để tìm cách phi tang thi thể.

Lái xe biển xanh bị giảm lương, Sở Nội vụ Yên Bái lên tiếng

Bảo Nguyên |

Sở Nội vụ tỉnh Yên Bái đã lên tiếng lý giải về việc hàng loạt lái xe các ban Đảng, sở ngành bị cắt giảm lương so với trước đây.

Conditions for converting special-use forest land in Cao Bang

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang Provincial People's Committee has just issued a decision on criteria and conditions for converting the purpose of some types of land in the area.

Disbursement of more than 1,000 billion/month, Cao Bang has just completed the public investment plan

Tân Văn |

As of October 2024, the disbursement rate of public investment capital in Cao Bang province only reached 38.8%.

Disciplined 218 party members in Cao Bang

Lam Duy |

Through inspection and supervision, disciplinary action was taken against 1 party organization and 218 party members in Cao Bang in many forms.