Yen Bai Labor Federation organizes the 2024 Competition for Excellent Female Workers

Trần Bùi |

On the morning of October 12, the Yen Bai Provincial Federation of Labor organized the 2024 Competition for Excellent Female Workers with 13 contestants representing 24,892 female union members in the area.

At the contest, Chairman of Yen Bai Provincial Federation of Labor Nguyen Chuong Phat said that it aims to raise awareness of female cadres about the position, role and functions of the Women's Union at all levels.

At the same time, to help female cadres grasp the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies, the Trade Union Law, the Vietnam Trade Union Charter and the resolutions and regulations of the trade union organization, the Resolution of the 13th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union and the 20th Congress of the Yen Bai Provincial Trade Union, the Provincial Labor Federation organized the 2024 Competition for Excellent Female Cadres.

Chu tich LDLD tinh Yen Bai Nguyen Chuong Phat phat bieu tai hoi thi. Anh: Tran Bui
Chairman of Yen Bai Provincial Labor Federation Nguyen Chuong Phat spoke at the contest. Photo: Tran Bui

Through the contest, we will discover factors to train and develop a team of female union cadres, contributing to the implementation of the Politburo's Resolution on innovation of the organization and operation of Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation.

Create opportunities for female union officials to improve their knowledge and operational skills to meet the requirements and tasks in organizing, implementing and carrying out women's activities at the grassroots level.

At the same time, the contest is also a key activity towards the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Women's Union (October 20, 1930 - January 20, 2024).

The contest had the participation of 13 contestants from 13 grassroots trade unions representing 24,892 female union members and 1,038 grassroots trade unions. These were the most outstanding faces selected from the qualifying rounds and were core female cadres of the grassroots trade unions.

During the day, the contestants will have to go through 3 stages of the competition: Presentation, answering questions about women's work and talent test.

The knowledge test focuses on women's work, trade union work, laws, and policies for workers.

In the talent competition, contestants demonstrated their own talents through singing, dancing, reciting poems, telling stories, etc. with themes praising the Party, Uncle Ho, homeland, country, workers, women and trade unions.

With careful preparation, the contestants brought to the contest unique and attractive performances, creating a vibrant and united atmosphere and promoting the sense of responsibility of female cadres in improving their professional qualifications and skills, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation, and building a strong trade union organization.

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