
Solutions for many students who refuse to go to class in Quang Binh


Quang Binh - Regarding the fact that many students have not yet gone to school as reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, Ba Don town will build 6 new classrooms to ensure the safety of students.

List of universities considering IELTS in 2025


In 2025, many universities will continue to use IELTS certificates in admission.

Circular 29 does not cause much disruption to mountainous education


Circular 29 on extra teaching and learning has caused a lot of controversy. For ethnic boarding schools in Dien Bien province, this new regulation does not cause much disruption.

12th Doctor is worried because of constantly changing enrollment information


Many 12th graders cannot help but panic when the admission information is continuously released before the 2025 high school graduation exam.

In the same village, each school applies a policy for teachers


Lam Dong - Many teachers in Da Tong commune, Dam Rong district are concerned that in the same village, each school applies a different policy.