Reporters from Lao Dong Newspaper penetrated into reality and recorded the types of badminton with many service prices, everyone committed to taking care of A to Z for teachers, ensuring to receive a license to register for extra teaching business.
There are all kinds of pimples, including some claiming to be legal assistants, possibly some law firms that provide this service.
Most teachers do not know the procedures or do not have time, so they need support services. For each licensing fee, the fee is about 20 - 30 million VND, and if you want to establish a center, it is about 35 - 40 million VND.
The service needs customers, and from there, it will appear.
In addition to the corral force that follows the licensing points, there are also online advertising pages, providing services and quoting prices of all kinds.
It is truly a market for tutoring business licensing services.
already a market, it is very complicated, fake is unpredictable, so it is difficult to avoid fraud. Teachers need to be on guard, not to even trust and " lose money and get sick".
One thing of concern is that the price of the service is "sky-high" and no one can control it. Agree that there is an agreement between the two parties, but whether it is reasonable, or the service side will exploit the needs of teachers to the fullest to raise prices.
A question is, is the service party affiliated with a person in the licensing agency to make a license, is it shared or not? If so, this is unacceptable.
With the appearance of these service groups, be careful that teachers who directly do the license will be caused difficulties and forced to rely on customers and services. It is very likely that when services and money appear, in a short time, licenses will be issued widely, houses will open extra classes, and some people will take extra classes.
Through the phenomenon of teaching business licenses as a market, it shows a truth, that the problem of extra teaching and learning is still too serious. Circular 29 prohibits extra teaching in schools with fees, then extra teaching flows outside. Circular 29 stipulates that additional teaching requires a license to have services to meet the needs of teachers.
Parents who want to send their children to extra classes will be met immediately, but they will definitely have to pay higher fees than before, because the cost of teachers opening classes or centers is higher, including tax payment.
Thus, in essence, the situation of extra teaching and learning is not lost but changes from one model to another, to put it bluntly, it is a transformation.
When the root cause cannot be treated, the disease of extra teaching and learning still exists in society. The main source is that the school's program meets enough knowledge so that students do not need to be further educated outside of school.