Xe ôtô công

1 district unit in Quang Binh was assigned 22 cars

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A district-level unit in Quang Binh is allocated 22 specialized cars.

Each ward and town in Binh Phuoc is allowed 1 public car

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According to the decision of the People's Committee of Binh Phuoc province, each ward and town in the area will be allocated 1 specialized car.

20 communes and wards in Ha Tinh are equipped with public cars.

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According to the specialized car standards of Ha Tinh Provincial People's Committee , only 20 communes and wards are equipped with 1 specialized car.

Some communes in Binh Dinh are also equipped with public cars.

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According to the standards of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee , some communes will be equipped with cars with special structures.

5 districts in Ha Tinh are allowed up to 8 public cars

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Ha Tinh has just issued the quota of cars for public service, in which 5 districts in Ha Tinh are given the highest quota of up to 8 public cars.

7/9 district-level units in Yen Bai are granted a quota of 8 cars

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Yen Bai has just issued car norms for general work. The decision takes effect from September 1, 2024.

From September, many wards in Thanh Hoa will be equipped with cars

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According to the decision of the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province , many wards and towns at the district level will be assigned 1 specialized car.

Bac Lieu proposed a limit of 1 car for communes to achieve new rural areas

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The People's Committee of Bac Lieu province is drafting norms for specialized cars. Accordingly, each ward, town and commune achieving new rural status is equipped with 1 specialized car.

The provincial president who does not drive a public car is given a budget

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In order to save costs, Decree No. 72/2023/ND-CP on standards and norms for car use has regulations on fixed costs.

Each district in Hòa Bình will be equipped with 1 high-clearance 4x4 vehicle

Phóng viên |

In addition to the automobile rate serving general work, the province of Hòa Bình stipulates the automobile rate for specialized use.

1 district in Binh Thuan will be assigned up to 17 specialized cars

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According to the norms of Binh Thuan province , Ham Thuan Bac district is equipped with 17 specialized cars, of which 1 car has a norm of up to 2.5 billion VND.

100% of district-level units in Bac Ninh set a quota of 6 public cars

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According to the norm, 8/8 district-level units in Bac Ninh are assigned 6 cars for general work.

Wards and towns in Kon Tum are also equipped with 1 car

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According to the specialized car norms of Kon Tum province , each ward/town is assigned 1 urban order management truck of less than 3.5 tons worth 230 million VND.

A district-level management board in Thai Nguyen allocates 2 cars

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According to the regulations, the Dinh Ca Market Management Board, Vo Nhai District, Thai Nguyen Province will be equipped with 2 specialized cars.

Titles using 1.4 billion VND public cars for transportation

Xuyên Đông |

Standards for official car include regulations on cars serving official duties according to titles.