Giving a certificate of merit for support over 100 thousand is anti-educational

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Public opinion is outraged by the fact that Le Quy Don Primary School (HCMC) differentiates between letters of commendation and certificates of merit for students supporting flood victims.

Recently, Le Quy Don Primary School (Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City) launched a fundraising campaign to support the people in the North affected by storm No. 3 to its staff, teachers, employees, parents and students. Afterwards, the school awarded certificates of merit to encourage students to actively participate in this campaign.

It is worth noting that only students who donate 100,000 VND or more will receive a certificate of merit, while students who donate less will only receive a letter of merit from their homeroom teacher.

This has led to public outrage and indignation, especially from parents whose children study at Le Quy Don Primary School.

Donating to fellow countrymen in times of need is a noble act, demonstrating the spirit of mutual love. However, it is really inappropriate to discriminate between students who are able to donate more and those who are less able to donate by giving two different types of rewards.

The feelings and hearts of each student towards their fellow countrymen who are in difficulty due to storms and floods cannot be measured by such specific, cold numbers. This is a voluntary action, depending on the financial capacity and circumstances of each family.

Some students can easily donate more than 100,000 VND, while others can only contribute a small amount due to difficult family circumstances. To judge their sincerity based on the amount of money they donate is unfair and anti-educational.

In fact, to get 100,000 VND or less, many students have to convince their parents, skip breakfast or save their pocket money. Therefore, the way of rewarding like Le Quy Don School not only creates discrimination but can also cause psychological damage to students from poor families. They will feel ashamed because they do not have enough financial ability to be rewarded like their friends.

The school representative admitted that this approach was negligent and would learn from the experience. The leader of the Go Vap District Department of Education and Training also disagreed with this approach of Le Quy Don Primary School and emphasized that “the principal must take responsibility” for “causing bad public opinion”.

This is a lesson for Le Quy Don School and also a general lesson for the education sector. In fact, in this case, the school should not, does not need to issue any letters of commendation or certificates. If there is any to acknowledge and encourage the next time, there should only be one form for all students and should not differentiate between “letters” and “papers” based on the amount of money.

Rewards, especially for elementary school students, are always a double-edged sword. But if we know how to reward properly, reasonably and fairly, we will certainly encourage good and sustainable actions from students as well as build generations full of compassion!

Hoàng Văn Minh

Miễn học phí, điểm tựa cho học sinh vùng bão lũ Quảng Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

Quyết định miễn giảm 100% học phí cho học sinh của tỉnh Quảng Ninh là niềm vui lớn cho hàng nghìn gia đình.

Ủng hộ trên 100.000 đồng được nhận giấy khen, dưới chỉ nhận thư khen

Chân Phúc |

TPHCM - Học sinh ủng hộ trên 100.000 đồng thì nhận được giấy khen còn ủng hộ dưới 100.000 đồng thì chỉ được nhận thư khen.

Học sinh sử dụng 1 năm sữa vừa được cấp GMP nửa tháng


Dù mới đi vào hoạt động từ tháng 7.2022 nhưng sản phẩm của CTCP sữa Núi Tản Ba Vì đã được đưa vào sử dụng cho rất nhiều trường học tại Đan Phượng và Hoài Đức.

Chuyển không đủ tiền ủng hộ bão lũ có thể bị xử lý hình sự

Thế Kỷ |

Hành vi vi phạm trong việc quyên góp tiền ủng hộ bão lũ có thể bị truy cứu trách nhiệm hình sự.

Lừa đảo kêu gọi ủng hộ bão lũ là hành vi không thể dung thứ

Tường Minh |

Lợi dụng sự đau thương, mất mát của người dân để trục lợi bằng cách lừa đảo kêu gọi quyên góp từ thiện là hành vi không thể dung thứ.

Mặt trận Tổ quốc tiếp tục sao kê thông tin người ủng hộ bão lũ


MTTQ Việt Nam sẽ tiếp tục sao kê đầy đủ thông tin của những tổ chức, cá nhân chuyển tiền ủng hộ để người dân tham gia theo dõi, giám sát.

Đề xuất nghỉ học thứ Bảy: Liệu có giảm áp lực?


Nhiều địa phương đã triển khai hoặc lấy ý kiến việc cho học sinh nghỉ học thứ Bảy, tức chỉ học 5 ngày/tuần.

Tỷ giá đồng Yên đột ngột giảm sau khi tăng chạm đỉnh

Huyền Mai |

Sau khi cựu Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Shigeru Ishiba giành chiến thắng trong cuộc bầu chọn Thủ tướng Nhật Bản, tỷ giá đồng Yên bất ngờ sụt giảm.

Free tuition, a support for students in flood-hit areas of Quang Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

The decision to exempt 100% of tuition fees for students in Quang Ninh province is a great joy for thousands of families.

Donations over 100,000 VND will receive a certificate of merit, under 100,000 VND will only receive a letter of merit

Chân Phúc |

HCMC - Students who donate over 100,000 VND will receive a certificate of merit, while those who donate less than 100,000 VND will only receive a letter of merit.

Students use 1 year of milk that has just been granted GMP half a month ago


Although it has only been in operation since July 2022, Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk Joint Stock Company's products have been used in many schools in Dan Phuong and Hoai Duc.

Flood and storm donation scams are intolerable

Tường Minh |

Taking advantage of people's pain and loss to profit by fraudulently calling for charitable donations is an intolerable act.

The Fatherland Front continues to compile information on flood and storm supporters


The Vietnam Fatherland Front will continue to fully record information of organizations and individuals transferring donations so that people can participate in monitoring and supervision.