
5 congee dishes you should eat regularly to support liver detoxification


One of the effective ways to support liver detoxification is to supplement beneficial foods, especially congee.

3 types of extremely easy-to-buy beans to help you have an ant waist


Regularly eating green beans, black beans, lentils will help you lose weight, reduce belly fat to have an "ants" waist, according to Eat This Not That.

Revealing the 3 types of nuts that help the body produce the most collagen


The nuts below are not only delicious and nutritious but also help the body create a lot of collagen, keeping the skin youthful.

Tips for selling fruits in the market to effectively detoxify the liver


Tomatoes are a particularly beneficial fruit for liver health, supporting effective detoxification.

How to walk to burn more fat than run


Eat This, Not That offers ways to combine walking with fat burning than running.

Ministry of Health responds to the allowance level of leaders of District Health Centers


The Ministry of Health has just responded about the leadership allowance level at the District Health Center.

Unexpected benefits of oats for people with high blood sugar


Oats are a good nutritional supplement to the diet, suitable for people with high blood sugar.

4 foods that are harmful to blood sugar if eaten every day


People with high blood sugar should pay attention to the 4 foods below because they are not good for blood sugar if eaten every day.

3 dried foods help prolong the life of middle-aged and elderly people


As we age, our body's nutritional needs increase. So, you can add some healthy snacks to help prolong your life.

How to make vitamin D-rich mushroom rolls for the cold season


Cold weather is coming, try this mushroom roll recipe below to boost vitamin D for the whole family.

This tuber contains natural sugar, helping to control blood sugar well


Carrots or carrot juice contain a large amount of nutrients, so it can be said that this is a very good food to control blood sugar.

Is slow walking beneficial for people who want to lose weight?


Slow walking has many benefits, especially for people who are new to exercise or have mobility issues.

Quadriplegia due to "gluing face" to phone too much


Reduced concentration, sleep problems, eye problems, spinal problems, quadriplegia... are diseases that can appear when a person is glued to their phone all day.

5 Healthiest Low-Saturated Fat Cheeses


People with diabetes, heart disease or other health conditions can still eat cheese low in saturated fat.

Foods rich in vitamin C help strengthen bones and joints


Vitamin C is an important nutrient for collagen formation, helping to keep bones and joints healthy.

How to make low calorie watermelon banana ice cream for weight loss


Watermelon banana ice cream is a delicious dish and very good for people who are losing weight. Here is how to make this dish.

How to eat chicken for breakfast without increasing blood sugar


Diabetics can eat chicken for breakfast without increasing blood sugar if prepared properly.

Calcium-rich smoothie recipe for good bones


According to Food.NDTV, two calcium-rich smoothies that help strengthen bones include cantaloupe smoothie and strawberry smoothie.

Is drinking coffee during pregnancy good for your baby's brain?


During pregnancy, anything the mother consumes directly affects the baby's development.

5 Snacks That Help Improve Insulin Resistance


Insulin resistance can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, inflammation, and heart disease. So how can you improve it?