
Supplements that should not be used arbitrarily


There are some supplements that you should not use arbitrarily but should consult a nutritionist to avoid risks.

5 types of plants that help purify the liver


A plant-rich diet can help protect and purify the liver naturally.

How to drink coffee to prevent fatty liver and high blood sugar


Drinking coffee properly can bring many health benefits, such as protecting the liver, stabilizing blood pressure, blood sugar...

Tips for healthy skin when eating vegetarian


Eating vegetarians can bring many health benefits, but to have healthy skin, you need to pay attention to your diet and daily skin care routine.

The best way to supplement omega-3 with cashews


Omega-3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for health, helping to improve cardiovascular health and support the brain.

4 familiar foods that have the effect of beautifying the skin


Here are 4 familiar foods with skin beauty effects that you should add to your daily menu.

Tropical fruits help lower blood pressure, prolong life


Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that helps improve physical strength, lower blood pressure and prolong life for the elderly.

Mistakes when eating tofu


Tofu is a nutritious food, providing plant protein and calcium. However, if used incorrectly, tofu can have a negative impact on the body.

Should onions be eaten raw or cooked?


Should onions be eaten raw or cooked to maximize nutritional value is still a question of many people.

5 types of smoothies that help detoxify the kidneys


A diet rich in antioxidants and diuretic can help detoxify the kidneys, helping this organ function more effectively.

3 types of tubers added to coffee help reduce liver fat


Fatty liver or fatty liver is a common health problem due to unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Foods rich in magnesium help detoxify and restore the liver effectively


Supplementing magnesium through the diet not only supports liver function but also helps reduce inflammation, detoxify the liver effectively and prevent liver diseases.

Causes of eating hot salad and how to fix it


Nutritionist Meenu Balaji shares some causes of bloating in salads and how to fix them.

How to eat peanuts to prevent blood sugar from spiking


Eating peanuts in moderation will prevent high blood sugar, bringing many health benefits.

Notes when using omega-3 in the liver detoxification process


Omega-3 plays an important role in supporting liver function and the detoxification process, however, users need to pay attention to the following.

Reasons for high-intensity interval training to help reduce fat, lose weight


According to Eat This, Not That, high-intensity interval training helps reduce fat and lose weight.

Herbal tea helps sleep well, prevents high blood sugar


Chamomile tea helps to feel secure, sleep well and is good for people with high blood sugar.

5 foods richest in collagen


Here are some suggestions for collagen-rich foods that you can refer to for use.

3 signs on the legs that the liver is affected, detoxified poorly


According to Aboluowang, if you have signs on your legs as below, you should pay attention to your liver health so that your liver can do a good detoxification job.

2 silent habits that cause uric acid to spike


If you have limited your diet high in purines and do not drink alcohol, uric acid is still high, the cause may be related to lifestyle factors.