
Effects of the keto diet on people with high blood sugar

HẠ MÂY (Theo eatingwell) |

The keto diet affects blood sugar control.

Plants that help lower blood sugar, suitable for diabetics

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ ncbi &diabetes) |

Although sweeter than sugar, stevia can help lower blood sugar, making it suitable for diabetics.

3 foods to help lose weight and reduce visceral fat quickly

NHÓM PV (THEO Eat this not that) |

If you want to lose weight and reduce visceral fat, you can regularly use the 3 foods below.

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50 như ăn thực phẩm lành mạnh nhiều hơn, tắt các thiết bị phát ra ánh sáng xanh trước khi đi ngủ...

Lí do người trung niên nên uống sữa bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày


Ở độ tuổi trung niên, cơ thể bắt đầu lão hóa nên việc uống sữa để bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

3 good bedtime snacks for people with high blood fat


In addition to choosing nutritious foods, we can add some snacks before going to bed to reduce high blood fat.

Cách ăn cá phù hợp với người mắc bệnh tiểu đường


Cá là một nguồn thực phẩm tốt cho người bệnh đái tháo đường (hay gọi bệnh tiểu đường), nhờ vào hàm lượng protein cao và chất béo lành mạnh.

How to drink chia seeds to lower blood sugar

Kiều Vũ (Theo Webmd, Indiaexpress) |

Chia seeds help increase insulin sensitivity, have the effect of lowering blood sugar, thereby helping to control diabetes.

5 types of carbs with more fiber than brown rice, preventing blood sugar from rising

HẠ MÂY (Theo eatingwell) |

Fiber takes longer to digest, so it increases feelings of fullness and helps stabilize blood sugar.

Harmful effects of consuming more than 30 grams of protein for breakfast

NGỌC THÙY (THEO indianexpress) |

Consuming more than 30 grams of protein at breakfast is considered to exceed the safety threshold and is not good for health.

4 surprising uses of tomatoes for people with high uric acid


Tomatoes are not only a nutritious and delicious food but also have many surprising uses for people with high uric acid levels.

How to prepare squash into a dish to prevent increased uric acid

NHÓM PV (THEO Aboluowang) |

Winter melon is rich in vitamin C, high in potassium and low in sodium, which can speed up the excretion of uric acid from the body.

Is it good to freeze and defrost meat many times?

Ngọc Linh (nguồn: Healthline) |

Defrosting meat multiple times can dehydrate it and change its color.

How to detoxify the intestines and purify the body at home

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Healthline & Webmd) |

Detoxifying the intestines and purifying the body can be done simply at home.

Why eating bananas increases blood sugar in diabetics

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ medicalnewstoday & Medicinenet) |

Diabetics should choose the right time to eat bananas to avoid increasing blood sugar.

How to drink chia seeds to help protect the heart and blood sugar


Chia seeds are a good food source for heart health and blood sugar.

Starchy vegetables help prevent blood sugar spikes

HẠ MÂY (Theo eatingwell) |

There are many starchy vegetables that we can add to our diet in moderation to control blood sugar.

Eating almonds helps improve physiological health

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

In addition to being a nutritious fruit with a delicious taste, almonds are also known for their many benefits in improving physiological health.

How to lower blood sugar with avocado

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ nutrition & Medicalnewstoday) |

Adding avocado to your diet can be an effective way to lower blood sugar, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.

Protein-rich food swaps to help you lose weight

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Tips for swapping protein-rich foods to help lose weight effectively, such as replacing cow's milk with almond milk, fresh cheese with cream cheese...