
Effects of the keto diet on people with high blood sugar

HẠ MÂY (Theo eatingwell) |

The keto diet affects blood sugar control.

Plants that help lower blood sugar, suitable for diabetics

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ ncbi &diabetes) |

Although sweeter than sugar, stevia can help lower blood sugar, making it suitable for diabetics.

3 foods to help lose weight and reduce visceral fat quickly

NHÓM PV (THEO Eat this not that) |

If you want to lose weight and reduce visceral fat, you can regularly use the 3 foods below.

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50 như ăn thực phẩm lành mạnh nhiều hơn, tắt các thiết bị phát ra ánh sáng xanh trước khi đi ngủ...

Lí do người trung niên nên uống sữa bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày


Ở độ tuổi trung niên, cơ thể bắt đầu lão hóa nên việc uống sữa để bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

Why should children under 12 not drink caffeinated beverages?

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: Cleverland clinic) |

Drinks containing caffeine are considered unsuitable for children, as they can cause many adverse effects on children.

Chewing food tips to lower blood sugar

Thanh Thanh (Theo Boldsky) |

Chewing food slowly and thoroughly allows the body to break down food into smaller pieces, which helps lower blood sugar .

Lower blood sugar with star fruit properly

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Tuasaude & Sugarfit) |

Lower blood sugar and inhibit the development of blood sugar levels by adding star fruit to the diet.

Plant foods that are exceptionally high in calcium


Adding foods like spinach, sesame seeds, kale... helps to increase calcium significantly.

Effects of high-fat meals on cholesterol and visceral fat

HẠ MÂY (Theo livestrong) |

A high-fat meal will increase cholesterol, accumulating visceral fat.

What should diabetics pay attention to when eating seafood?


For people with diabetes , when eating seafood, there are many things to keep in mind so as not to affect their health.

Suggested 2 breakfast menus to help lose weight in 7 days


Below are 2 menus you can use for breakfast to have a clear weight loss effect after 7 days.

Tofu helps prevent blood sugar spikes


Frozen tofu helps regulate the intestines, control blood sugar levels and prevent obesity.

5 Natural Ways to Remove Small Kidney Stones, Relieve Stomach Pain.


According to researchers at the Mayo Clinic, the United States has 5 natural ways to help eliminate small kidney stones , without inflammation, and reduce abdominal pain.

What kind of meat can people with high uric acid eat?

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: webmd) |

People with gout and high uric acid can still eat some types of meat if they know how to choose the meat and prepare it properly.

What happens to the body when you eat undercooked meat?


Nutritionists point out some common pathogens present in undercooked meat if we consume them.

3 dishes made from boiled eggs help lose weight

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Instead of just boiling eggs and eating them, add them to your weight loss menu with the 5 boiled egg recipes below.

What superfoods should people over 60 eat?

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

Berries are rich in nutrients and are beneficial for health. Therefore, people over 60 years old should add berries to their diet.

Tea recipe to help burn calories, lose weight quickly


Making tea from lemon and ginger will boost metabolism, burn calories, and help you lose weight quickly.

Sesame seeds help reduce cholesterol and lower blood sugar

Hà Lê (Theo Cục An toàn thực phẩm, Bộ Y tế) |

Sesame seeds are very small but contain countless nutrients that bring many health benefits, including supporting cholesterol reduction and lowering blood sugar .