
Effects of the keto diet on people with high blood sugar

HẠ MÂY (Theo eatingwell) |

The keto diet affects blood sugar control.

Plants that help lower blood sugar, suitable for diabetics

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ ncbi &diabetes) |

Although sweeter than sugar, stevia can help lower blood sugar, making it suitable for diabetics.

3 foods to help lose weight and reduce visceral fat quickly

NHÓM PV (THEO Eat this not that) |

If you want to lose weight and reduce visceral fat, you can regularly use the 3 foods below.

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50 như ăn thực phẩm lành mạnh nhiều hơn, tắt các thiết bị phát ra ánh sáng xanh trước khi đi ngủ...

Lí do người trung niên nên uống sữa bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày


Ở độ tuổi trung niên, cơ thể bắt đầu lão hóa nên việc uống sữa để bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

3 levels of carbohydrate intake to help prevent high blood sugar


When we eat too many carbohydrates, blood sugar increases and so does insulin, so we need to control our intake.

This tuber is both a spice and a medicine, helping to reduce visceral fat.

Hương Giang (Theo Healthline) |

Ginger is a medicinal herb that treats a number of diseases, but it also helps reduce visceral fat effectively.

Lower blood sugar with pomegranate properly

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Indiaexpress & Pubmed) |

Pomegranates not only help lower blood sugar , but also increase insulin sensitivity and aid in weight loss .

2 foods to add to your drinking water to help reduce uric acid

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

For people with hyperuricemia , you can add the following 2 foods to your drinking water to reduce uric acid levels.

4 ways parents can help their children grow taller during puberty


Pre-puberty is the last chance to intervene to increase your child's height . This is the time of rapid growth if there is a suitable diet and exercise regimen.

5 foods to eat in the morning to help lose weight quickly


Here are 5 suggested foods to eat in the morning to help you lose weight quickly and have a slim figure.

2 types of fish contain fatty acids that help control spikes in blood sugar

NHÓM PV (THEO aboluowang) |

The 2 types of fish below are foods rich in fatty acids, beneficial for people with high blood sugar .

Good benefits of drinking Sophora japonica tea for housewives

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthcare Asia Magazine) |

Using Sophora japonica tea not only helps purify the body but also helps housewives prevent many diseases.

Foods women should limit to balance hormones


To balance hormones , women should limit certain foods that can disrupt hormones or affect endocrine health.

Try losing weight in 3 days with fruit


3 days of weight loss by eating fruit not only helps you quickly regain your figure but also detoxifies your body .

Safe and effective formula to prevent hair loss with lemon juice

NHÓM PV (THEO steptohealth) |

Lemon juice helps regulate the natural pH of the scalp and exfoliates dead skin cells. In particular, it helps reduce hair loss .

Top 4 best breakfast foods for people with diabetes

Nhóm PV (Theo Eating Well) |

A breakfast rich in fiber and protein is great for people with diabetes. Here are 4 breakfast foods that help balance blood sugar.

Foods rich in potassium help prevent high uric acid

NHÓM PV (THEO aboluowang) |

Potassium can promote the excretion of uric acid . Using foods containing this ingredient will help reduce uric acid levels in the blood effectively.

Does banana combined with curd improve sexual health?


Social media has recently been spreading the news that bananas combined with curd will significantly improve sexual ability . Medical experts have spoken out about this.

3 soups to help prevent blood sugar from rising

HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

For people with high blood sugar who maintain a healthy diet, the following soups can help alleviate the symptoms of the disease.