
Signs of the body warning of blood sugar disorders


Unusual acne is a warning sign that blood sugar is not controlled.

People with fatty liver should limit or avoid eating sweet potatoes


For people with fatty liver, eating too many sweet potatoes can increase the pressure on the liver, kidneys, etc.

Weightlifting exercises to test muscle endurance, overall strength


According to Eat This, Not That, weightlifting exercises help test muscle endurance and overall strength.

How to spread the active lifestyle of a 116-year-old nun


The 116-year-old Brazilian monk known as the longest-lived woman in the world shared some health care secrets and a positive lifestyle.

5 good dishes for people with sinusitis


To boost immunity and reduce inflammation, people with sinusitis should regularly eat the following 5 foods.

Electronic cigarettes and heated cigarettes both contain highly addictive substances


The propaganda that heated tobacco contains fewer toxic chemicals than traditional cigarettes will mislead users about the harmful effects of heated tobacco.

Reasons for drinking milk every day but still lacking calcium


Calcium supplementation alone cannot prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, you need to have a varied diet in addition to drinking milk to get enough calcium.

Easily recognizable symptoms when blood sugar spikes


When blood sugar levels rise, diabetics often have the most recognizable symptoms of thirst and frequent urination.

The secret to preventing uric acid spikes with a simple drink


Here is a suggestion on how to make water from ginger and celery to help prevent increased uric acid levels.

Control blood sugar with 3 nutritious snacks


To control blood sugar effectively, you can refer to the 3 nutritious snacks below.

Billion-dollar hospital in Ben Tre officially launched


Ben Tre - Ben Tre General Hospital project with a total investment of more than 1,658 billion VND has officially started.

7 nutritious fruits that help increase longevity


Below are 7 fruits that are highly valued for their ability to improve health and help prolong life.

Quenching thirst for rare drugs, meeting treatment needs for patients


Ho Chi Minh City is the only locality in the country that is authorized to license the import of rare drugs, without having to wait for the Ministry of Health to grant permission as before. This will help the city avoid the shortage of rare drugs in the near future.

3 Natural Foods That Help Break Down Visceral Fat


Supplementing probiotics, vitamins, and fish oil properly can help the body break down visceral fat effectively.

Revealing 3 ways to protect the kidneys when uric acid levels increase


High levels of uric acid that accumulate in the body over time can damage the kidneys. Here's how to protect your kidneys when you have high uric acid.

Common symptoms of hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar levels fall below normal. Shakiness, dizziness and lightheadedness are common symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Tips for using green bananas for people with high blood sugar


According to Aboluowang, green bananas contain less sugar than ripe bananas and are rich in resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that can control blood sugar.

Tell you a familiar vegetable that helps your skin become beautiful and smooth


According to Aboluowang, coriander is rich in nutrients, has many health benefits and helps you have beautiful skin.

Why do you work hard at HIIT but not get the results you want?


If you work hard at HIIT exercises but don't get results, you may be making the following mistakes.

Kidney transplant for children with chronic kidney failure from brain-dead donors


HCMC - The health of a child who received a kidney transplant from a brain-dead donor has stabilized. Previously, the child had end-stage chronic kidney failure and did not respond well to dialysis.