
3 easy techniques to burn calories and lose weight quickly


We can do 3 practical tips every day to help burn calories to lose weight.

Are people doing IVF covered by health insurance?


Although the success rate is high, IVF is very expensive. Therefore, many people are concerned about whether IVF is covered by health insurance?

What time of day is good for the heart to drink coffee?


Researchers found that people who drank morning coffee had a 31% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who did not drink coffee.

Warning signs of calcium deficiency by age


Calcium deficiency can occur at any age causing many health complications.

Fruits that help control blood sugar surprisingly effectively


Apricots are not only a delicious fruit but also bring many health benefits, especially in controlling blood sugar.

A familiar medicinal herb that helps prevent high blood sugar


Artichoke is a medicinal herb with many health benefits and can help prevent high blood sugar.

Ministry of Health responds to conditions for appointment of Grade IV Nurse


The Ministry of Health has just responded regarding the regulations and conditions for appointing the title of Grade IV Nurse.

High sugar intake increases uric acid levels in the blood


To prevent high uric acid levels, it is necessary to reduce sugar intake.

Symptoms of fear of intimacy with others


If you have the following symptoms, you may have a fear of intimacy with others.

Dong Thap aims to have 15 doctors per 10,000 people by 2030


Dong Thap - The province sets a goal of striving to develop the intellectual workforce in terms of quantity and quality by 2030...

Foot soak herbs help blood circulation


Herbal foot soaks can help reduce swelling and treat a variety of problems, such as circulation.

3 fruits to eat to keep your kidneys healthy


To help keep your kidneys healthy, you can consider adding the following 3 fruits to your daily diet.

Weight training slows muscle loss as you age


Eat this not that offers weight training that slows muscle loss as you age.

Common mistakes when eating fruit can be harmful to health


Fruits are nutritious and easy to eat, so they are loved by many people. However, if eaten incorrectly, they can be harmful to your health.

Easy to buy tuber that helps with weight loss


Kohlrabi contains a lot of water and fiber, making it an ideal food for a weight loss menu.

Benefits of perilla water for the health of the elderly


Perilla juice contains anthocyanin which can prevent cancer, rosmarinic acid fights dementia in the elderly.

Why do many people like carbonated soft drinks even though they know they are harmful?


Although we know that drinking carbonated soft drinks can be harmful to our overall health, there are many reasons why many people enjoy drinking them.

Calcium supplement for vegetarians and dairy allergy


Tofu, green vegetables, and beans are suitable sources of calcium for vegetarians or those allergic to dairy products.

Tips for women to lose fat and lose weight sustainably


Eat this not that page offers nutrition and exercise tips for women to lose fat and lose weight sustainably.

Factors that increase the risk of sinusitis


With a typical monsoon climate like ours, people with sinusitis have a high incidence. Many people with sinusitis self-treat, making the disease worse.