
Opportunity to save costs when making a red book in 2025


Converting garden land, agricultural land, perennial land to residential land or making a red book in 2025 is an opportunity to save.

Signs of the body warning of blood sugar disorders


Unusual acne is a warning sign that blood sugar is not controlled.

People with fatty liver should limit or avoid eating sweet potatoes


For people with fatty liver, eating too many sweet potatoes can increase the pressure on the liver, kidneys, etc.

Weightlifting exercises to test muscle endurance, overall strength


According to Eat This, Not That, weightlifting exercises help test muscle endurance and overall strength.

How to spread the active lifestyle of a 116-year-old nun


The 116-year-old Brazilian monk known as the longest-lived woman in the world shared some health care secrets and a positive lifestyle.

Effective blood sugar reduction thanks to arrowroot


Arrowroot is a food that brings many health benefits, including the ability to effectively support lowering blood sugar.

Fruits that help eliminate uric acid from the body


Pomegranate helps reduce uric acid thanks to its high antioxidant and vitamin C content.

Benefits of semolina flour for weight loss


Semolina flour is rich in protein, vitamins and fiber which is great for weight loss.

What to eat to quickly relieve knee pain and regenerate cartilage?


Nutrition plays a very important role, significantly affecting the progression of the disease. Below are some foods that help improve knee pain.

People who should eat a lot of green onions


Scallions contain a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for health. Below are the people who should use them regularly.

3 low-calorie soups help lose weight and visceral fat effectively


Soups can be a great food choice to aid weight loss and visceral fat loss because of the fiber and protein.

Saving the life of a cardiac arrest patient with the Code STEMI procedure


Can Tho - On January 14, news from Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital said that they had just saved the life of a patient who had cardiac arrest due to acute myocardial infarction.

Benefits of Cashew Oil for Hair


Cashew nut oil brings many benefits to hair such as stimulating hair cell growth, preventing hair loss...

5 anti-aging yoga poses


Anti-aging yoga poses rejuvenate the entire body, relax the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve blood circulation.

Longan fruit affects uric acid levels in the body


Longan is a sweet fruit but can increase uric acid levels, posing a risk for people with gout.

5 things to keep in mind when drinking milk


Drinking milk incorrectly can reduce its nutritional value or even harm your health.

Unexpected effects on the body when eating blueberries every day


What are the effects of eating blueberries every day on the body? This article will answer your questions.

Night blindness can be a sign of vitamin A deficiency


Night blindness is a condition in which the eyes have difficulty seeing in the dark. It can be a sign that the body lacks vitamin A, an important nutrient for the eyes.

Bones damaged by high blood sugar, what to do to protect?


According to Onlymyhealth, to limit the impact of high blood sugar on bone quality, you need to pay attention to the following.

Hai Duong increases the number of children with influenza A and infectious diseases


Hai Duong - According to doctors at the Children's Hospital, every day the hospital has 200-250 patients coming for examination and treatment, of which the number of children infected with influenza A accounts for more than 30%.