6 popular foods and drinks that easily increase belly fat
Below are 6 popular foods and drinks that are the leading culprits in gaining belly fat.
Is it better to run fast or run long distance?
Running helps achieve health goals, but it also depends on speed control, consistency and safety to achieve optimal results.
2024, set a record for the number of organ transplants from brain-dead people
In 2024, Vietnam set a record for the number of organ donations; organ transplant techniques developed dramatically, with many cases succeeding beyond expectations.
At what level of air pollution should children be kept off school?
Kindergartens, nurseries and primary schools may consider allowing students to stay home if air pollution levels are at hazardous levels for three consecutive days.
Should you drink ghee on an empty stomach?
Ghee has a distinctive aroma, different from regular butter and helps improve stomach related problems.
A delicious and fatty fruit that helps reduce visceral fat
Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats, which help the body burn visceral fat more effectively.
Why is cucumber a great food to help reduce uric acid?
Cucumber, a familiar food but has miraculous effects in helping control uric acid levels.
Unexpected effects of pumpkin seeds improve blood sugar
Pumpkin seeds are a nutritious food with many health benefits, especially the ability to improve blood sugar.
How to clear acne and blemishes on the skin
According to Healthshots, to clear acne and blemishes on your skin, you can try the following methods:
How to eat breakfast for people with hypoglycemia
What to eat for breakfast with hypoglycemia is something many people are interested in.
How does your menstrual cycle affect your skin?
Your menstrual cycle can affect your skin due to hormonal changes, says Dr. Sukirti Jain.
Medications to help relieve menstrual cramps
Menstrual cramps are a common condition in women. Some people have mild pain in the lower abdomen, while others have severe and persistent pain that affects daily activities.
How does alcohol affect the lungs?
Drinking too much alcohol is not only harmful to your digestive system but also to your lungs.
Dengue fever is a major public health concern
The Ministry of Health's approval of the dengue vaccine is expected to contribute to the comprehensiveness of the current dengue prevention strategy.
Obesity affects bones, joints and diabetes
According to Tam Anh General Hospital, obesity is a chronic, recurring and progressive disease. It is the gateway to many diseases, threatening the patient's health.
Eating too much rice noodles can increase blood sugar
Rice noodles can negatively affect blood sugar levels if you eat too much or combine them with the wrong foods.
People with diabetes need to pay attention to the following:
People with diabetes need to pay special attention to their health and regularly monitor their blood sugar levels.
What should I eat to reduce snoring?
Some familiar foods can reduce snoring and improve the respiratory system.
Dengue fever epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City has not cooled down
HCMC - Over the past week, the city has recorded 328 cases of dengue fever, an increase of 8.3% compared to the average of the previous 4 weeks.
The role of fiber in blood sugar control
Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, especially for people who need to control their blood sugar levels.