Confederation of Labor of Gia Lai province

Timely rewards for employees to dare to think and dare to do


Gia Lai - Gia Lai Provincial Trade Union focuses on the grassroots level, promptly rewards union members and workers to promote creativity, dare to think and dare to do.

Doctor in Gia Lai received the Creative Labor Certificate 10 times


Gia Lai – Dr. Pham Ty's medical innovations and technical improvements not only save the lives of many patients but also help them reduce treatment costs significantly.

Presenting 2 "Union Shelters" to union members in difficult circumstances


Gia Lai - 2 grassroots union members with especially difficult circumstances were extremely happy and excited when they received support from benefactors for the " Union Shelter " house.

The union gave many gifts to disadvantaged students.


On the opening day of the new school year, the Gia Lai Provincial Labor Federation presented new notebooks to give students more confidence and determination.

Gia Lai Trade Union strengthens democracy at the grassroots level


Gia Lai - The knowledge shared at the conference will help the Union staff improve their role and quality in implementing democracy at the grassroots level...

Exciting trade union culture and art competition in Gia Lai


Gia Lai - The contest is a meaningful cultural and artistic playground, improving the spiritual life of workers, officials, laborers...

Pleiku Mountain City established 11 new grassroots Trade Unions


Gia Lai - From the beginning of 2024 until now, the Pleiku City Labor Federation has mobilized to admit 494 new union members, establishing 11 new grassroots Trade Unions .

Gia Lai needs to develop grassroots trade unions in remote areas


Gia Lai - "In remote areas, we need to develop trade unions and union members to stabilize the lives of workers."

Exciting trade union activities in Gia Lai border area


Gia Lai - Duc Co District Labor Federation organized 5 "Tet reunion" programs to give gifts to union members in particularly difficult circumstances...

Donating the "Trade Union Shelter" house to difficult circumstances in Gia Lai


The Gia Lai City Labor Confederation has just organized the giving of " Union Shelter " houses to disadvantaged union members who have a place to live and work in peace of mind.

The Trade Union presents breeding cattle to poor households


Gia Lai - He was awarded cattle for breeding, Mr. Ksor Bung was delighted because from now on, he will have a "fishing rod" to develop his livelihood.

The Popular Badminton Tournament for Workers, Civil Servants, and Laborers


Gia Lai - 60 athletes participated in the Badminton Competition workers, civil servants, and laborers in 2024 have enthusiastically competed and contributed to the beautiful matches.

Gia Lai established 22 more grassroots trade unions


Gia Lai - In the first 7 months of 2024, Gia Lai province's Trade Unions at all levels have reaped many outstanding achievements in developing union members.

Gia Lai improves the lives of union members and workers


Thanks to the contributions of trade union organizations, the material and spiritual lives of union members and workers in Gia Lai are increasingly improved.

The Trade Union leader in Gia Lai deeply cares about the workers


Grassroots trade union leaders in Gia Lai believe that protecting the rights and interests of workers is also a way to improve the production efficiency of enterprises.

Gia Lai commended 78 outstanding grassroots Trade Union leaders


Grassroots trade union leaders in Gia Lai province are always responsible, committed and take good care of the material and spiritual lives of union members and workers.

Cozy "Trade Union Meal" with technology car drivers in Gia Lai


Gia Lai - In a friendly, warm atmosphere, the " Trade Union Meal " with technology vehicle drivers in the mountain town of Pleiku helped union members strengthen their closeness and sharing.

Nữ giáo viên nhiệt huyết với hoạt động Công đoàn ở Gia Lai


Gia Lai - Những năm qua, cô Lê Thị Nhung (SN 1975) -Trưởng Ban nữ công, Công đoàn Trường THPT Chuyên Hùng Vương - đã giúp người lao động hiểu rằng, việc tham gia tổ chức Công đoàn không phải là tốn thời gian vô nghĩa.

Đoàn viên Công đoàn ngành Y tế Gia Lai có nhiều thành tích xuất sắc


Công đoàn ngành Y tế tỉnh Gia Lai đã thừa ủy quyền trao bằng khen của Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam cho nhiều tập thể, cá nhân có thành tích xuất sắc trong hoạt động, xây dựng tổ chức công đoàn.

Công đoàn Gia Lai huy động hơn 21 tỉ đồng chăm lo cho người lao động nghèo


Các cấp Công đoàn tại Gia Lai đã huy động hơn 21,5 tỉ đồng để chăm lo đời sống đoàn viên, người lao động. Qua đó, đơn vị đã từng bước nâng cao đời sống vật chất cũng như tinh thần để công nhân lao động hăng say sản xuất, xây dựng phát triển kinh tế xã hội địa phương.