Stretching exercises for people over 50 to have a beautiful figure
Eat This, Not That offers stretching exercises for people over 50 to have a beautiful figure.
4 types of juices you should drink every day to stimulate hair growth
Eat this not that page offers 4 types of juices that you should drink every day to help stimulate hair growth.
Why can excessive anxiety cause rashes?
According to Healthshots, too much anxiety can cause rashes, why does this happen?
Symptoms of calcium deficiency at different ages
Calcium is the main component of human bones and teeth. At the same time, it maintains the acid-base balance in the body and regulates the heartbeat.
Protein-rich foods help control uric acid effectively
Controlling uric acid is important for the prevention and treatment of gout.
3 foods combined with white rice to prevent high blood sugar
White rice when combined with beans, oats, brown rice... eaten in moderation can help control blood sugar.
People with high uric acid cannot ignore this vegetable
Eggplant is an important food in a healthy diet. People with high uric acid levels may want to include eggplant in their diet for the following reasons.
Benefits of nuts in blood sugar control
Nuts can effectively control blood sugar thanks to containing some natural compounds such as fiber, omega-3,...
Low glycemic index diet cake
Choosing diet cakes with a low glycemic index is an important consideration for people with diabetes.
Can people with high blood sugar eat jackfruit?
Jackfruit is loved by many people for its mild sweetness. However, eating too much jackfruit can affect blood sugar.
The time of eating fish causes uric acid to spike
In addition to choosing fish with low purine content, people with high uric acid should also pay attention to when they eat.
Stay away from snails that increase uric acid
Some types of snails can contain high levels of purines, which can lead to an increase in uric acid in the body.
Ministry of Health responds to conditions for expanding medical practice
The Ministry of Health has just responded to regulations and conditions for expanding the field of medical practice.
Food and drink when hungry, does not increase blood sugar
Broccoli, avocado, kale... are foods that can be added when hungry without increasing blood sugar.
3 unusual signs in the mouth warn of high blood sugar
According to Onlymyhealth, if your oral health is affected, it could be a warning sign that your blood sugar is high.
What should I eat for breakfast if I have acid reflux?
To reduce acid reflux symptoms, food choices in the morning are very important.
Breakfast is good for liver and kidney health that you may not know
The way you eat breakfast will affect the health of your internal organs, especially your liver and kidneys.
Lack of B vitamins causes many oral diseases
Deficiency of B vitamins has a major impact on oral health and is a major cause of periodontal disease.
Sardines are rich in omega-3 but increase uric acid
Sardines are rich in omega-3 but some people should not eat them. People with gout should not eat sardines if they do not want to increase uric acid.
5 Essential Oils to Help Control Psoriasis
According to cosmetic physician and aesthetician Dr. Karuna Malhotra, essential oils have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which help relieve the symptoms of psoriasis.