
The impact of high blood pressure on the brain and kidneys


High blood pressure can seriously affect the brain and kidneys, leading to complications such as stroke, small blood vessel disease and chronic kidney disease.

Squat exercises to test muscle endurance and strength


According to Eat This, Not That, squat exercises help test endurance and muscle strength.

Red meat causes dizzying uric acid increase


Consuming buffalo meat can lead to uric acid accumulation, causing health problems such as gout.

answered 3 questions everyone questions about reducing blood fat


According to doctors, the effective and healthy time to reduce blood fat usually lasts from 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity.

Unexpected reasons why drinking wine helps increase life expectancy


Drinking wine at a reasonable dose at the right time will have a surprising effect in prolonging life.

Vegetable juice helps reduce blood sugar levels


Scientifically combining drinks will help control blood sugar levels.

Turmeric, ginger and fennel seeds help improve gut health


Turmeric, ginger, and fennel seeds are commonly used to reduce gut inflammation and restore digestive health.

Canola Oil vs. Vegetable Oil: Which Is Healthier?


If you are wondering which is healthier, canola oil or vegetable oil, check out the following analysis.

Latest proposals in the draft revised Law on Health Insurance


The bill amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Health Insurance (HI) has many new proposals to ensure the rights of HI participants.

How to eat cabbage to help lower blood sugar


Cabbage is a popular green vegetable and is said to help lower blood sugar, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.

The reason walnuts help reduce blood fat and visceral fat


Walnuts are a nutritious food that can help reduce blood fat and visceral fat.

Safe weight loss tips for women over 45


Women over 45 years old who want to lose weight need to pay attention to diet and exercise regularly.

5 conditions for health insurance payment when buying medicine outside the hospital


The Ministry of Health has just issued Circular 22/2024, which stipulates that from January 1, 2025, health insurance patients who must buy medicine and medical supplies outside the hospital will be paid by health insurance.

A series of drinks to help control blood sugar


Filtered water, unsweetened green tea, diluted apple cider vinegar... are a series of drinks that help control blood sugar.

Can people with high blood sugar eat passion fruit?


Passion fruit is a tropical fruit with a unique sweet and sour taste. In particular, passion fruit helps control blood sugar effectively.

4 Kidney-Friendly Breakfast Options


To protect kidney health, daily diet is very important. Therefore, we can add some good breakfast for kidneys.

5 Morning Detox Drinks to Fight Air Pollution


MSc. Dr. Archana - clinical nutritionist at Aster-Whitefield Women and Children's Hospital, India said that many detox drinks help protect the liver and lungs.

Healthy snacks for bones and joints


Seemingly simple snacks have surprising effects on bone and joint health.

The effect of bananas helps control blood sugar


In addition to providing energy, bananas also contain many nutrients that are beneficial to health, especially the ability to control blood sugar.

How to make potato green onion soup to help lose weight


If you are losing weight, the potato and onion soup below will be the perfect choice for you this winter.