
Health benefits of jumping jacks


Jumping jacks are an exercise that boosts metabolism, helps build muscle, reduces stress and helps lose weight.

4 natural ways to help improve dry, itchy skin

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

To improve dry, itchy skin, you can apply the following methods.

Increased incidence of drug-induced adrenal insufficiency


HCMC - Many people who use corticosteroids without a doctor's prescription can lead to adrenal insufficiency.

4 steps that people with high longevity often do before going to bed


People who live long lives often have healthy habits, especially before going to bed.

Another class of resident physicians successfully recruited

Thùy Linh |

Resident doctors are considered an important force to change the system and improve the quality of medical examination and treatment.

3 foods to help lose weight and reduce visceral fat quickly

NHÓM PV (THEO Eat this not that) |

If you want to lose weight and reduce visceral fat, you can regularly use the 3 foods below.

Factors that make disease outbreaks likely after floods

Thùy Linh |

After floods, the environment is heavily polluted by domestic and industrial waste, rotting animal and plant carcasses, and water overflowing from the sewer system...

People with lower back pain should avoid this food

NGỌC THÙY (THEO indianexpress) |

Experts recommend that people with lower back pain should avoid eating processed corn.

Những triệu chứng tụt canxi máu thường gặp

Thanh Thanh |

Theo bác sĩ Đặng Thị Oanh - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Tâm Anh TPHCM, tụt canxi máu (hạ canxi máu) được biểu hiện bằng nhiều triệu chứng khác nhau.

6 muscle building exercises without equipment


Gaining muscle is important because it improves overall strength and function, making everyday tasks easier and safer.

Titanium chest reconstruction helps patients revive

Lệ Hà |

The patient had a mediastinal tumor, after successful surgery, his chest was reconstructed with titanium.

3 drinks to avoid when suffering from heartburn and acid reflux

Thanh Thanh |

Food.NDTV page gives 3 drinks to avoid when suffering from heartburn and acid reflux.

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Thói quen giảm mỡ, duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh ở tuổi 50 như ăn thực phẩm lành mạnh nhiều hơn, tắt các thiết bị phát ra ánh sáng xanh trước khi đi ngủ...

Benefits of Magnesium for Anxiety


Magnesium is essential for many bodily functions, playing a big role in controlling anxiety and stress.

Lí do người trung niên nên uống sữa bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày


Ở độ tuổi trung niên, cơ thể bắt đầu lão hóa nên việc uống sữa để bổ sung canxi mỗi ngày rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

3 good bedtime snacks for people with high blood fat


In addition to choosing nutritious foods, we can add some snacks before going to bed to reduce high blood fat.

5 drinks to avoid to prevent premature skin aging

BÍCH NGỌC (theo aboluowang) |

Drinks containing a lot of sugar, carbonated drinks,... are not good for health, causing premature skin aging.

Cách ăn cá phù hợp với người mắc bệnh tiểu đường


Cá là một nguồn thực phẩm tốt cho người bệnh đái tháo đường (hay gọi bệnh tiểu đường), nhờ vào hàm lượng protein cao và chất béo lành mạnh.

Da Nang Red Cross Society shows first aid for accident victims


On the morning of September 18, the Da Nang Red Cross Society coordinated with the Traffic Safety Committee to organize a first aid drill to respond to traffic accidents.

How to make 3 dishes to help reduce inflammation in the body

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Chronic inflammation can cause many negative health effects, here are 3 recipes to help reduce inflammation.